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THE Donald Trump Victory

by Shaun Willcock


Articles sufficient to fill libraries have been written, and will yet be written, by those inside the U.S. and around the world, analysing the victory of Donald Trump over that Jezebel, Hillary Clinton, in the 2016 presidential election, and it is not my intention to write reams about it myself, repeating what so many others have said.  But a few comments are in order, from one who is an outsider looking in, who loves the great land of America.


It was certainly an astounding victory, considering the forces ranged against him.  No question about that.  The entire leftist-dominated media, worldwide, was against him, and attacked him in every possible way.  The pope of Rome has no love for him, especially since he threatened to close the porous U.S.-Mexico border to the tens of thousands of illegal Roman Catholics from Central and South America who are flooding into the U.S., and the pope’s opposition to him meant millions of Roman Catholics were opposed to him as well.  The Communists, Socialists, globalists, and all their fellow-travellers were utterly opposed to him.  The Muslim world, and the multitudes of Muslim terrorists and would-be terrorists now ensconced within the United States itself, hate him with the loathing only religious madmen are capable of.  Hollywood film “stars” who know next to nothing about the real world but upon whose stupid statements their drooling fans hang as if their lives depended on it, stood against him.  Rock and hip-hop noise-makers, passing themselves off as musicians, addled on drugs and daftness, opposed him to a man (or to a woman, or to an undecided, as the case may be): the likes of the way-out-there, weird and creepy Lady Gaga and the body-flaunting, Barack-adoring Beyoncé, to name just two.


As one perceptive conservative analyst wrote, prior to the election: “The deck is completely stacked against Trump and for Hillary: The Establishment will do anything to stop him and are by and large accomplishing this through their vicious vilification and smear campaign against him in the controlled US media.  There has never been a candidate running for president in the US who has been as universally trashed as Trump.  The Republican hierarchy has made no secret of the fact that they completely support Hillary and will partner with the Democrats to defeat Trump.  The debates have been manipulated for Hillary and against Trump by having blatantly pro-Hillary debate commentators who skew all questions for Hillary and against Trump, hidden ear microphones, etc.  The US media (which is 100% controlled by the globalist Establishment) has been unleashed against Trump with a fury we have never seen before.  The media has completely covered up Hillary’s massive criminal and treasonous record – the worst of any major US politician in our history, and taken every single negative (or stupid) thing Trump has ever said or done and magnified it 100-fold to make him look like a fool, an incompetent, or a scumbag. (Sadly, many of Trump’s stupid or inappropriate remarks have given the Establishment additional ammunition with which to destroy him or keep him continually on the defensive.)


And yet – despite it all – at the end of the day these Communists, Socialists, liberals, Papists, Muslims, lamestream media talking heads, know-nothing actors and actresses, creepy rock and hip-hop noise-makers, and all the rest, had completely and utterly misread the depth of disgust within a large percentage of the American population.  His astounding victory demonstrated this level of disgust, among ordinary Americans, for the Socialist/Communist/New World Order tyrants who have been marching roughshod over America, under Obama, under the Clintons, and yes, under the Bushes as well.  And so it came to pass that although the enemies of America, within and without, were all absolutely certain that Hillary Clinton, a woman so evil she makes Barack Obama look good, would easily be ushered into the White House, it was not to be.  Trump won.  Against all odds, humanly speaking, he won.  Despite being boastful, a womaniser, and more – he won.  At last, the decades-long death-grip in which America was held by the Bush/Clinton/Obama crowd, was loosened to a large extent.  At least politically.

Everywhere, universally, the radical leftist agenda is marching to victory in one country after another, seemingly unstoppable.  The great prize was always the United States of America.  And if Hillary Clinton had won, it might truly have been the end.  Not merely the beginning of the end, but the end for America.  Already so far gone, a Clinton victory would have cinched it.


Not yet.


And for that, Christians the world over give thanks to God.


Donald Trump is not a morally upright man, and he is certainly not a Christian, despite the breathtakingly foolish statements of such blind leaders of the blind as the likes of James Dobson, who endorsed the claim of heretical female Charismatic false “evangelist”, Paula White, that she “led Trump to the Lord”.  Such abysmal ignorance of what a true Christian is, coming out of the mouths of these false “servants of Christ”!  Do they know nothing of the biblical truth that a tree is known by its fruit?  Do they honestly believe that if a man simply says, “I am a Christian”, we must take his statement at face value?  Evidently they do, and this just shows how deceived they are.  No, Trump is certainly not a Christian.  Nor is he a morally upright man in his personal life.  For this reason many professing Christians felt they could not support him in his bid to be president.


country, and that other countries are as well.  This is utterly wrong, and to teach such a thing is to confuse the Church with a nation.  It is to confuse the kingdom of God with the kingdoms of this world.  There is no such thing, in truth, as a Christian country.  There may be countries where there are many Christians, or countries where the ruler is a Christian, or countries where the laws are based on biblical principles to a greater or lesser extent.  But none of these things make any country a Christian country.  The only theocracy which God ever had, the only one which He ever ordained, was the nation of Israel for a time, in the Old Testament.  The true Church of God, however, consists of men and women from all nations and countries, who together form “an holy nation” (1 Pet. 2:9); and to identify any piece of real estate in the world today as a “Christian country”, is to misunderstand the true nature of the Christian Church, and of the fact that in every single country on earth, Christians are strangers and pilgrims (1 Pet. 2:11; Heb. 11:8-16).


Therefore, when it comes to electing political leaders, Christians must never lose sight of the fact that they are participating in a legitimate, but distinctly worldly activity.  They are choosing leaders of an earthly country.  And in choosing them, they must do so based on which candidate would be the best qualified to govern an earthly country.

And sometimes, the best candidate may not, in fact, be a very nice man, personally.

Donald Trump may (or may not) make a good president.  It is too early to know now, but time will tell.  He is certainly unlikely to be worse than Jezebel Clinton would have been, and likely to be a whole lot better.  There may be some good changes in America, under a President Trump.

If Trump carries out even half of what he campaigned to do – such as closing the U.S.’ porous borders to the tens of thousands of illegal Roman Catholics pouring into America, sending illegals back home, ending the massive Muslim immigration into America, abolishing Obamacare, rebuilding the military, appointing more conservative Supreme Court judges, etc. – if he even accomplished half of these goals, it would go a long way towards rolling back the Marxist tide sweeping across America, at least politically.


But now for a much-needed reality check.


  Trump will not be a miracle worker.  He cannot be.  Christians who rejoice that he beat the evil Hillary Clinton should not make the mistake of idolising the man, or making a messiah-figure out of him.  This is what the radicals of all stripes did with Barack Obama when he became president in 2008.  Trump is a mere man.  Those who rightly criticised the Obama supporters in 2008 who held him up as America’s great hope, must not be guilty of the same sin now that “their” man has won.  It is indeed a sad day when professing Christians place all their hope in some man, showing more joy at his election to the White House than they do for their faithful pastor’s Sunday sermon, or for some humble success on the mission field, or when the Bible is accurately translated into a new language.

  There are also some aspects to his future presidency that are cause for grave concern, not least his attitude towards Russia.  When we hear that Russian President Putin was overjoyed at Trump’s victory, this makes warning signs flash in the head.  Bright, loud warning signs.  After his election he also backpedalled on his promise to pursue criminal charges against Hillary Clinton.  And some of the people he has picked for certain key positions are very dubious choices.  But time will tell, as I said, as to what kind of leader he will be.  The fact that the Jesuit pope, Francis I, doesn’t like him, is a good sign.

  Hillary Clinton and her gang of criminals are out, and Donald Trump is in.  This is good as far as it goes.  But American Christians, and indeed Christians elsewhere in the world, need to realise that as good as it is, it does not go very far.  For although this political victory may be excellent, what is rotting America from within goes far, far deeper.  It is sin.  And this political victory will not touch that.  Having a better president does not mean a better country!  America is a country in moral collapse, and it remains under divine judgment for its many sins.  It is a country now so far steeped in sin, that even though, on the political level, the brazen globalists have for the moment been defeated, unless the Lord intervenes the downward spiral of America will continue unabated.

  Two things will see to this:

  The first is that the Jesuit/Communist agenda for America will continue.  The Jesuits and Communists will not give up.  They have suffered a setback, but they have not been annihilated.  They still exist, in all the various branches of American society, and they are still very, very hard at work. They have only lost, for the time being, in the political arena.  Nowhere else.  They still control Hollywood.  They still control the entire massive “entertainment” industry of America, which will continue to spew out its immoral poison.  They still control the mass media.  They still control the education system, and the radical environmentalist movement.  They are so deeply entrenched that no Donald Trump could ever dislodge them.  No, it will take a mighty work of the Lord.  Unless there is a revival from God, the downward spiral will continue – just slower for now.  The worst thing conservatives in America could now do, is to breathe a sigh of relief, become complacent, and think that the battle is won.  It is not.  It is not even close to being won.  And right now, the enemy is winning.  But tragically, as has happened so often in the past, conservatives have a tendency to sit back and relax once they gain a victory.

And the second is that the moral state of the American people is utterly deplorable.  Americans, like people throughout the West, love to say that they are Christians, but this is simply not so for the vast majority of them.  True Christianity is despised in America today, and true Christians are a despised few.  Yes, the land is full of churches, but this means nothing when what is taught in the vast majority of those churches is not the Word of God in truth, but a false “gospel” that is a devilish lie.  If the majority of Americans really were true Christians, the vile immorality that is everywhere in that country simply would not exist.  But it does.  Who, for example, keeps the filthy Hollywood dream factories going by their faithful attendance at movie theatres every week?  Who buys the “music” of, and thus supports, the so-called “musicians” who daily fill the minds and hearts of American youngsters with their immorality, devil worship, and anarchism?  The majority of Americans.  So much for their much-vaunted Christianity!  It is a farce.  Americans are not unique in this – they are no different from the rest of the western world.  They are worldly-minded, addicted to their “entertainment” idols of movies, TV, music and sport, immoral in their lifestyles, given over to sexual pleasures, false “Sunday christians” if they are religious at all, Arminian for the most part, Charismatic for the most part, ecumenical, singing and jiving to their “Christian rock” at their “mega-churches” presided over by their heretical “pastors” and “prophets”, enamoured with their feel-good, self-centred, name-it-and-claim-it, health-and-prosperity, psychologised, “it’s-all-about-me” religion.

  I write, as I said, as an outsider, yet as one who loves America.  I have not watched the fall of America, these past decades, with any joy.  God did great things in America in the past, and He has used America in mighty ways.  It has been a beacon of hope to people around the world.  But tragically, the America of the past has gone.  As things stand now, America is still finished, morally.  It might now have a better political leader in the White House than they have had for decades.  But even if he proves to be a good one, he is still only a politician.  That is all he is.  He will not, and he cannot, save Americans from their sins.  Only the Lord can do that.

November 2016

Shaun Willcock is a minister, author and researcher.  He runs Bible Based Ministries.  For other articles (which may be downloaded and printed), as well as details about his books, audio messages, pamphlets, etc., please visit the Bible Based Ministries website; or write to the address below.  If you would like to be on Bible Based Ministries’ email list, to receive all future articles, please send your details.


The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, November 2016, Phoenix, Arizona. www.MIAtoday.com.


The Christian Post, June 30, 2016, and July 9, 2016.  www.christianpost.com.


See Comrade Barack Obama: President of the United Socialist States of America, by Shaun Willcock.  Bible Based Ministries, 2008.  Available on our website.


See two DVDs, available from AgendaDocumentary.com, entitled Agenda: Grinding America Down, and Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit.  Sadly, the makers do not see the Vatican and its Jesuits behind the Communist movement seeking to take America down; but for an analysis of the Communist agenda against the USA, these are excellent sources of information.

Bible Based Ministries

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